Overnight Camp

Info & Preparation

We’re excited to welcome your child for a week of adventure, new friendships, and unforgettable experiences!

Once your family is registered, this page will provide essential information to help you prepare for your child's stay. Be sure to read both this page and our Registered Families page thoroughly. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

Additional Release Forms

Before camp, you will receive supplementary release forms via email to complete electronically. These forms are necessary for your child to participate in activities such as horseback riding, kayaking, and other experiences provided by external vendors.

Check-in & Pick-up

Bus Transportation

Most campers ride the bus to and from camp. Check-in is at 2:00 PM on Sunday, and pick-up is at 12:30 PM on Saturday. This year’s bus check-in and pick-up location is:

St. James Roman Catholic Parish
19640 N 35th Ave, Glendale, AZ 85308

Direct Drop-off and Pick-up at Camp

If you prefer to drive your camper directly to camp, check-in at the campsite is between 4:30 PM and 5:00 PM on Sunday (please do not arrive earlier, as the camp is not open). Pick-up time on Saturdays is between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM. Timely pick-up is essential to avoid late fees. The camp’s location is:

4860 Mormon Lake Road,
Mormon Lake, AZ 86038

Camp Store

St. Joseph’s Youth Camp features a "Camp Store" where campers can purchase snacks, drinks, and a variety of camp merchandise throughout their week away. Camp store money will be collected at check-in. Please place all money in an envelope with your child’s name on it and leave the envelope unsealed. The average amount spent per camper in a week is $30. Note that Camp Store money is non-refundable, so plan accordingly. The Camp Store offers a great opportunity for campers to pick up treats and souvenirs to enhance their camp experience.

Sending Mail to Camp

Our campers love receiving mail while they're at camp! We highly encourage you to pre-write letters and bring them to check-in, as there is often a significant delay in mail delivery. We’ll make sure your camper receives them throughout their stay. Alternatively, you can mail your letters directly to camp at:

4860 Mormon Lake Road
Mormon Lake, AZ 86038

For tips on writing great letters to camp, check out our blog here.

Pre-writing letters is a wonderful way to ensure your camper receives regular encouragement and stays connected with home during their camp experience.

During the Week

While your camper is away, we promise to keep you informed and engaged! Look out for email updates throughout the week, and be sure to follow us on social media for real-time posts and photos of camp activities. We're highly active and love sharing the camp experience with you.

Rest assured, if your child has any difficulty adjusting to camp or needs to visit the Camp Nurse for anything more serious than a minor scrape, we will contact you immediately.

For peace of mind and to stay connected with the exciting adventures at camp, make sure to check your email regularly and stay tuned to our social media updates.