Registered Families

Welcome to camp! We're excited to welcome your family here for a summer full of new friends and lasting memories.

Once your family is registered, this page includes all the information you need to know and follow-up tasks you need to complete in preparation for camp. Please read this page and the embedded links in their entirety—they are critical to making sure your family is fully ready for camp. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Here’s what you need to do and know in preparation for your week:

Packing for Camp

Starting off summer camp on the right foot begins with packing all the essential items! Please follow our carefully curated packing list, created with valuable input from campers, counselors, parents, staff, and alumni. Additionally, keep these tips in mind:

  • Label Everything: To avoid mix-ups, make sure to label all belongings with your child’s name.

  • Medications: Keep medications in their original packaging and place them in a clear plastic Ziploc bag. Keep them separate from your luggage for ease during check-in!

  • Leave Valuables at Home: Avoid packing anything expensive or sentimental. Items can get lost or broken, so if you would be upset if something went missing, please leave it at home.

  • No Food: Please do not pack food, as it can attract rodents.

And most importantly, remember to pack a positive attitude and an open mind for the adventures that await at camp!


During registration, please list all medications your child will need. If any medications change between registration and the start of camp, contact us so we can update our records. At check-in, bring all medications in a clear Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name. All medications must be in their original packaging with the child’s name and dosage clearly displayed. We cannot administer any medication, including supplements, that are not in their original bottles.

Important Information about the Camp Nurse:

  • Administration: All prescription medications will be given to and administered by the Camp Nurse at the necessary times.

  • Requirements: No expired medications are accepted, and all prescriptions must be written in English. Inhalers, nebulizers, and EPI pens must have a current prescription.

  • Over-the-Counter Medications: The Camp Nurse stocks many over-the-counter medications and remedies. There is no need to send these to camp. A list of the medications we stock is linked here.

  • Pick-Up: Any medicine not picked up at bus pick-up or left at camp will be donated or discarded. Don’t forget to collect it when you check out!

  • Consistency: If your child regularly takes prescribed medication, they must continue taking it for the duration of their stay at St. Joseph’s Youth Camp. A copy of our Medication Policy can be found here.

Lost and Found

As you might imagine, we deal with a LOT of lost and found items! We would much prefer if all your child’s belongings made it home. Help us reduce the size of our lost and found by following these steps:

  • Label Everything: When in doubt, label it! We have many lonely socks, water bottles, and more left at camp. We highly recommend using these clothing labels and labeling luggage, water bottles, and all other personal items with your child’s name.

Please note, St. Joseph’s Youth Camp is not responsible for items left or lost. Personal items not picked up at camp or at the bus pick-up will be donated or discarded. Families should keep track of how many bags they bring to camp and ensure they bring the same number home.


At SJYC, we are committed to maintaining a tech-free environment! To preserve our camp's spirit of unplugging and connecting with nature and each other, please double-check that your child does not bring any cell phones or electronic gadgets to camp. This policy helps everyone fully immerse themselves in the camp experience, fostering creativity, building friendships, and enjoying the great outdoors without the distractions of technology.

Dietary Needs

We are happy to accommodate a variety of dietary restrictions, food allergies, and special diets. Our menu can be easily modified to meet the following needs: lactose-free, dairy-free, most allergies (except gluten), vegetarian, pescatarian, no pork, and no red meat. A sample of our menu is linked here.

As a nut-free camp, we welcome those with peanut and other nut allergies!

Please indicate any special diet or food allergy during registration. If needed, you are welcome to send additional diet or allergy-specific food to camp with your child. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Follow Us on Social Media!

Stay in the loop and join the fun by following us on social media! Catch all the latest updates, check out awesome camp photos, and be part of our lively community. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for a peek into camp life, exciting events, and special announcements. Don’t miss out—join our online family and keep the camp spirit alive all year round!

Additional Session-Specific Information

Each camp session has unique details you need to know. For more information tailored to your child’s specific session, please click the links below: